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Time to voice back against Trump regime's MIS-STEPS on military front

By from net, Posted in Politics / World

Acutely negative moves being made with the Pentagon & CIA

JOE JOSEPH REPORTS - https://youtu.be/vEBZ8CwD6mI


THEY ARE STARTING A NEW GROUND WAR IN THE MIDEAST. Again, illegally, without your consent or declaration by congress. Its a WAR, again begun illegally. Its TWO forms of war. Physical war in the Mideast. And at home here political war on the constitution. The NWO/DeepState is obsessed with destroying constitutional law, and they have indeed infiltrated the Trump regime.

[Who is behind sneaking US GROUND TROOPS into a large new infusion in the Mideast? Sadly we think its gung-ho militarist Steve Bannon.]

