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Public in disbelief over "shootings"- Guess what? THEY ARE FAKE EVENTS

By from various sources, Posted in The Society (trends / histories)



Public in disbelief over "mass shootings". Well guess what public? THEY actually ARE NOT HAPPENING. THEY ARE FAKE EVENTS. None of these mass shooter dramas in recent years is REAL. They are all government staged fake dramas for political propaganda. The government wants to disarm the public. In stages. Focusing on the the AR-15 first. They are faking so much news in trying to get this accomplished, pretty soon they will be revising history and saying....its now been discovered John Wilkes Booth did not have a derringer, he used an AR 15, that he stole from his mother's cabinet. Whom he also snuffed out on the way to the theater. Its gonna get that crazy with fabricated propaganda folks. The NWO are OBSESSED with taking the ARC15 out of possession becuse its the KEY weapon the public needs to resist martial law. THATS WHY FAKE DRAMAS centering on AR 15's are being staged.