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USA TODAY newspaper has gone..... absolutely MAD

By from DTRI editors, Posted in News Media


They have entered the madness zone..fully. Today they make sports stories and trivial gossip front page news. No decent USA major city newspaper would have done that years ago, let alone now, today, a NATIONAL newspaper!

But worse that that, they can't even exert the mental discernment WITHIN A TOPIC -to present sane content.

This piece below (read it for entertainment if you will)

Is absolute LUNACY..Its less intelligent than taking logic from a Sr. Seuss book



Responding to some sections

A-- He says -- "Apologists for Hillary Clinton's alleged criminal mishandling of classified documents say that it doesn't matter, that she really did nothing wrong, or nothing significant. But the real question is not so much what she did as how she has responded to being found out."

*** WHAT?? No it isn't, the real question is WHAT SHE DID (commit treason and take bribes). That is much more important than how she responded to being caught. Because its much more severe. What she did is much more severe, than her goony response of trying to make light of it. The wrtier is presenting this this upside down.

B-- Secondly the anecdote he renders....

"The results went by the book. The amphibious squadron stood down. Military couriers flew in from NATO. The codes were changed all over Europe. The battalion was a day late in leaving the Mediterranean. The captain, Leonard F. Chapman III, received a letter of reprimand, damaging his career. He stayed in the corps and died in a tragic accident aboard another ship."

----is tragic... and in no way bears any resemblance to Hillary's story. In his anecdote a good man gets accidentally career-ruined. In Hillary's case a wicked criminal may go scott free.

WTF is USA TODAY presenting here? INTENTIONALLY IRRATIONAL COMMENTARY TO MAKE HILLARY'S CRIMES SEEM 'not the point'?? And that is useful to anyone..how?