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All new shockers about DALLAS '63 - Zapruder film MADE IN ADVANCE

By from various sources and DTRI Edito, Posted in Top Serious

JIM MARRS -- explains why the NWO wants GOP hating DEMS and DEMS hating GOP....Its a mindspin to keep eyes and minds off the real evil... WHICH IS IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE (private bank) that is run from the Rothschild Cartel in London.


All new shockers about DALLAS '63 - Zapruder film was MADE IN ADVANCE
All new shockers about DALLAS '63 - Zapruder film was MADE IN ADVANCE


Newly examined EVIDENCE SUGGESTS -- the famed ZAPRUDER FILM was -- made at a time PREVIOUS to the date of NOVEMBER 22nd 1963--- And the "Assassination of JFK" was a staged psy-op. A a special-ops ....manufactured 'event'.


The JFK event now quite intrigues and mystifies more than ever before. FIRST THING is we have to disabuse ourselves of all the previous prevailing notions and ideas. Get our mind very straight about one thing. IT WAS ABSOUTELY A PROJECT OF THE ZIO-NWO ....not of CIA per se, or LBJ per se, or Mafia per se. ALL of those suspects HAD LONG been under control of Zio Rothschild Cartel by 1963.... Since 1913 to be exact..... The Rothschild Cartel put us into WW1, into WW2, into the 1929 depression, and into the UN. Certainly they did Dallas '63. So that is-- thing one. Face that and accept that.

Just as they contrived the War on Terror project in the modern era they did all the big events of the 60's. So it was Mossad and The London Rothschild Cartel that called for the TAKE OUT of JFK. Not anyone in USA.....Now.... that having been established-- there is reason to consider LEE OSWALD was possibly....really an agent for Mossad. Because he did the double agent game of going to Zio-Bolshevik-Run SOVIET Russia. And soon got smoothly returned to the USA amidst piqued cold-war tension. A literally impossible story ....unless controlled from the Cartel. And if he was a loyal agent for them no reason to kill him. Ship him elsewhere and use him for other stuff.

EXAMINATION OF THE BASEMENT INCIDENT FILM proves very surely LEE OSWALD WAS NOT KILLED THERE; that was a staged hoax. Ruby shot a blank There was no blood from the staged "shooting" of Oswald. Plus if they really offed Oswald it looks bad to other NWO agents. So we get it that he was NOT killed in the basement. We get --why-- the RUBY IN BASEMENT thing- was a staged hoax.

We also get it why the NWO let a conspiracy theory begin about Grassy Knoll shooters - even set it up by making the Grassy Knoll a big part of the story.. Because it had benefits. If you make many think the CIA did it, all future presidents fear the CIA can take them out at any time. Plus the CIA was already viewed badly at that time due to Bay of Pigs. Blaming angry Cuban CIA assets from the Bay of Pigs project would seem a viable "false rabbit hole" imagery to the Zio-NWO at that time. It also sends the message to future presidents, don't deny the CIA when they request something. AND ....also.....you send truthers down a wrong rabbit hole with the grassy knoll idea...... PLUS you begin the 'conspiracy theory' vilification meme that--- ALL QUESTIONERS seeing conspiracies behind big events....are cuckoo NUTS.

MILES MATHIS has been a great help in coming to these difficult views and understandings.


If we never understood that the ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSASSINATION was illuminati-faked, a staged psy-op event, not organic and real ....it would be hard for the mind to start seeing DALLAS in a different light. But since the Bankers STAGED the Lincoln thing and saw the big bleeding-heart benefit it yielded, they very well may have decided to use the same playbook for Dallas.

Now to the tough part. What happened to JFK? If he were REALLY offed in Dealey Plaza, and the limo REALLY came to a full stop, you would have surely had Jackie talking and outraged in anger. Impossible to keep quiet. Plus it makes no sense to have Connally hit too, FOR REAL. He was a good ole boy. An illuminati puppet. Why put him in harm's way? IT SEEMS more logical to conjecture that NEITHER he nor JFK were wounded in a limo going thru Dealey Plaza....

The SHOTS were just to time-mark a staged event. THE PRESS was seven cars behind the front limo..and the motorcade sopped after the event. So they saw nothing. And all the bystanders in Dealey Plaza were crisis actors. An early major use of such. But not unprecedented since the Zio-cartel has used crisis actors to sell the HOLOCAUST hoax too.

Back to Dallas ---- When the front of the motorcade zig-zagged off Main Street... SOMETHING must have gone on there...There may have been a switch of limos with JFK's car buzzing off somewhere and a replacement limo driving thru Dealey to do the OFF TO PARKLAND part of the hoax. Shorty says AFTER THE SHOTS there was a long pause, at least a couple minutes before the LIMO emerged from under the underpass and went on to Parkland. (Youtube -- "Shorty JFK")


We also posit that the ZAPRUDER film was pre-set staging think like Ruby-Oswald in the basement. They may have actually filmed the ZAPRUDER FILM weeks or even months earlier (most likely did). Despite all these claims JFK's skull blew off and brain matter flew out of the car, NOTHING OF THE KIND seems to occur IN THE ZAPRUDER film. Plus JFK in the film slumps into Jackie. The UPPER PART of her outfit would be be massively blood splattered. And certainty her gloves and face too if JFK suffered a powerful frontal head wound and fell into her.

DEALEY was clearly a controlled set like a Hollywood movie. With many CRISIS ACTORS paid and used. Too few people on scene there for it to be real. Plus the MAIN STREET TRAFFIC going in the same direction as the motorcade but parallel to it on the left, was just a FEW YARDS away from the motorcade. That alone is proof it was a conspiracy because the Secret Service normally would not not allow such. Someone driving by on Main Street parallel to the motorcade moving thru Dealey - could have done a drive-by shooting. SECRET SERVICE WOULD NOT NORMALLY have approved such; this proves their participation in a conspiracy event. Look at the films of DEALEY...you see cars driving by on the Main Street pavement just a few yards to the left of the motorcade route on Elm. That would not be allowed. They would have stopped that traffic till the motorcade passed. THIS OBSERVATION also suggests that STAGED FILMING OF THE ZAPRUDER scenes was done on a "normal day" when there was no parade *****at some date earlier****.

We must also say we lean toward believing what SHORTY says --because his version is the most outrageous and hard to believe, and therein usually lies the truth of these PSY-OP things.

THE PUBLIC WAS FED this grassy knoll stuff to keep people away from the real deception. --IT WAS STAGED. And we were fed Mafia and CIA and LBJ as ideas to keep us away from the real puppeteering evildoers, the Zio Rothchild NWO illuminati cartel.

But the question remains would JFK go willingly, or did they really off him somewhere?

Currently we think TIPPET was not downed in Oak Cliff. That was likely staging. TIPPET was probably seized a lot earlier, offed at close range, and thus the wounds shown..and HE was the body in the hospital that was supposed to be JFK, because HE, was a complete lookalike for JFK..

Now we KNOW about the coffin switching. The coffin sent out from Dallas on to the plane is NOT the same one that arrived at Bethesda for autopsy. That's well known. Exactly what that means we do not yet know.

But we are leaning toward believing Shorty's indication that JFK was not "taken out" in a Dealey Plaza shooting.... The question is then --WAS HE OFFED AT ALL or given new cover and shipped off to South America?

The odd thing about this whole affair is, for anybody reading this, the more ludicrous they would find this discussion to be, the more it shows their uneducated naivete about the NWO and the history of psy-ops the NWO run to deceive the masses. In all major recent history events, the more bizarre the theory, the more likely it is to be correct or near the truth. And the more simple and straight-out seeming the cover story, the more it is sure to be.... a massive set of lies.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| other -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVHuy5LXABA


Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT handcuffed as he was strolled thru the basement of the Dallas PD station... NOT HANDCUFFED AT ALL...Look at still photo on link just below. Also on the link below see photo with Oswald on stretcher. Note that the cop in a white suit who had been next to Oswald during alleged "shooting" has not a spec of Oswald's blood on him THAT IS A MAJOR TELL TALE sign that the shooting of Oswald was a hoax.


Further, everybody thru history forget to notice that after the purported "shooting" Lee was MOVED before paramedics arrived. NOBODY DOES THAT it can be lethal to a shooting victim. You leave them where they are. Only arriving paramedics touch them. If you touch a shooting victim and they die you could be legally responsible for their death. YOU LEAVE THEM WHERE THEY ARE AS THEY ARE until paramedics arrive. THIS FACT also explains one way you can tell the BOSTON MARATHON DRAMA was a staged hoax too. NOBODY PUTS VICTIMS WITH MAJOR LEG INJURIES in a wheel chair and wheels them down the street. They leave them where they are and let the ambulance paramedics come attend to them and pick them up. ALL OF THESE HIGHLY SENSATIONALIZED incidents of violence which have "historical impact" are Zio-NWO staged events to guide the course of world and national history, toward the Zio-NWO aims.


BEFORE JACK RUBY's DEATH he flatly stated the JFK killing drama WAS a conspiracy.








