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New Madrid "adjustment", Hoover Dam, Yellowstone Volcano -DANGERS!

By from net, Posted in Ecology / Environment

The NEW MADRID earthquake fault line which runs vertically thru (roughly) the center of the USA...is rumored to be ready to a emit a very big BOOM, what they call a READJUSTMENT OF THE FAULT LINE. In simple terms they mean, it may BREAK THE CONTINENTAL USA IN TWO...put a massive line of oceanic water,,,up and down right thru the middle of the USA and end the nation AS WE KNEW IT...

DETAILS (archive 2013): -- http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx391.htm

But that's not all...some scientists project that if this occurs, it would also --BLOW HOOVER DAM INTO COLLAPSE, creating a tidal wave in the midwest, trouncing Nevada's wafer supply, and knocking out electricity to multiple states



But that's not all....the same scientists say it would also cause SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (to fall into the sea along the San Andreas fault line in California).

And wait, that's not all.....they also predict it could cause eruption of the SUPER-VOLCANO in Yellowstone Park Wyoming.

