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By from various sources, Posted in Ecology / Environment


An utterly mind boggling announcement has come from Japan, that they intend to just DUMP thousands of tons of LETHAL NUCLEAR RADIATION into the Pacific Ocean, because they don't want to do anything else with it (basically) ....and since the water and air currents move away from Japan and Toward the USA and Canada..they simply just don't care about the consequences.

They say they plan to DECONTAMINATE the radioactive water FIRST before dumping it but that is a sham, there is no effective way to totally decontaminate it...So what they are essentially saying is they are going to contaminate the west coast of the American Continent with lethal nuke radiation...which will also kill many many millions of Americans by putting radiation into the FOOD SUPPLY since more than 50% of the USA food supply is grown in California.

WAKE UP USA!!!!!!!!------- we have been telling you about this for months. YOU GOTTA WAKE UP PEOPLE and start getting politically active or you will have no kind of life left soon, if any life at all. YOU HAVE TO STOP DREAMING AND WAKE UP.